Fashion High to Fashion Low

Those of you following and/or reading my blog know that I've kept things pretty light. I've talked about fashion and I've given you a peek into the window of my life. I was having a discussion with a friend of mine about a eating disorder that may be developing in her life right now. She's struggling with a lot of different things and by speaking to her, it took me back to a place where I once was and I decided to write about it. I, just like everyone else, have had my fair share of drama. Over the past year, I've dealt with family/friend issues, work-related drama, and CHANGE. I think CHANGE was and still is one of the problems I'm still learning how to handle. When things are the same for so long it's sometimes difficult to adapt.  For such a long time I would cope with stress, or being angry/happy by eating. Hi, my name is Tanysha Rodriguez and I'm an emotional eater (EE). When life gets tough, or problems arise some people turn to substance abuse, they physically mistreat their bodies, they get depressed and some do what I do which is eat. The first time I recognized that I was an EE I was reading an article on-line. It talked about eating when you're not hungry, eating when you're emotional/sad, and/or eating when you feel everything is perfect. Regardless of how I felt, or what's going on in my life I would OVER EAT! I'll admit to trying yo-yo diets, diet pills, and everything you can think of to lose weight. I've put my body through certain things that were not healthy all just to drop a few sizes. I would lose 20 pounds and then gain 10.  One thing I  never did through out this weight loss joureny was take the time to explore the underlying issue of why I over eat. I never asked myself "Why am I losing and then gaining weight ?". Why does buying my favorite ice cream sound so appealing when things aren't going my way ? As a full time crisis counselor I am well aware of all the indicators that point to having an eating disorder and 3 years ago I  realized that I struggle with food the way a drug addict battles his/her addiction to drugs.  It's simple- Food is my coping mechanism. These days I try my best to cope with problems in a more positive way. But just like a drug addict I have my good days and bad days. I've created a list which is posted below that works for me. In no way shape or form am I saying that this list will work for EVERYONE, but what I am saying is using one of this techniques will help alleviate some of the stress you're feeling. I do encourage anyone battling an eating disorder to seek professional help, especially if you feel things are out of control.

10 healthy ways to cope with LIFE:
1. Share your feelings by either talking to a close family member or friend.

2. Do something you enjoy. (examples, going for a walk, reading a good book, watching a funny movie, play with a pet, listen and dance to music, take a bubble bath)

3. Take care of yourself. Try your best to get 8 hours of sleep, make a list of positive affirmations and post that list some where visible, skip the alcohol ( if you are feeling down alcohol will only enhance that) expose yourself to sunlight (take a walk during the day and just enjoy the moment even though it may be difficult) , manage your stress (yoga, meditation * even if u sit still in silence for 15 minutes it will help clear your head*)

4. Recognize your triggers. It's important to know what triggers you to feeling down, depressed, overwhelmed... Write those triggers down and then choose one of the coping mechanisms on this list to get through that moment.
tip: Once you realize what triggers you to feeling down you can try to avoid them or come up with a plan on how you can be less effected by them.

5. Exercise and try to eat healthy. Even if you commit to 20 minutes, this will help lessen the stress you're under. Your heart is stimulated which changes your energy. Try working out with a partner if you feel that will help.

6. Emotionally connect with yourself and maintain positivity. * There will be times when you are down, angry, alone, scared and this may trigger depression and negative thoughts. Try to talk yourself down, think positive, remind yourself of all the good things you have going on)

7. Do something nice for yourself. Treat yourself to a pair of shoes, a new blouse, a manicure. This will help out with your self esteem and confidence which can turn into something positive.

tip: Don't overspend, be smart but still treat yourself to something nice and affordable. It could even be your favorite dessert.

8. Volunteer. Giving back is a positive way of spending your time and it makes you feel good.

9. Start a journal. In your journal express yourself freely (this book will be for your eyes only). If you do not know where to start, or what to write, start with " I am feeling........ because......." be open and honest with yourself. If you are- your hands will go as your heart opens up.

10. Work on your spirituality. Whether that's church, or prayer, or meditating. You inner soul needs peace and setting time aside for that improves your overall attitude.

Stay Pretty,
Tee Tee

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