T'is The Season To Be Giving

Are you one of those people who are always complaining? Do you think about your life and start questioning decisions you've made and how, if you would have gone down a different path you would be in a "better" place? Well I can be one of "those types" of people at times.

As an adult I'm realizing how truly blessed my life has been and I am constantly reminded everyday due to the field I work in. Whether it's a 16 year old female talking about being sexually abused by her mother’s boyfriend, a 15 year old boy being bullied because he is gay, a 13 year old female who is pregnant and has been kicked out of her home and has nowhere to go, hearing these types of REAL LIFE situations put my life in perspective and I start to THANK GOD instead of complaining.

I hear some of my friends complain because they aren't making enough money, or complain because they have to save for a new designer bag.. don't get me wrong I LOVE designer bags just as much as the next girl and I too complain about wanting more BUT I started thinking about the young people who say, they don’t have food, or family, or a roof over their head, or the ones who do not have a choice of wearing a red or black sweater. It's sad and it breaks my heart.

I try my best to donate time to those less fortunate than me and I've made it a yearly tradition 5 years ago to serve Thanksgiving Dinner to the homeless. Seeing how excited and appreciative these people are does something to my soul. Some of them are elderly without any family and some of them are homeless and have not had a hot meal in months. No human being should have to look through the garbage for food. I mean REALLY ?????

Volunteering/giving back is something that is needed for more reasons than one. Whether you donate canned foods to your local soup kitchen/pantry, donate clothes to a shelter, volunteer at a local hospital for the ill/elderly or just do something kind for someone; believe it or not you WILL be making a difference in that persons life.

I encourage every single one of you to GIVE BACK.. just think about it.. what if one day you lost EVERYTHING ???  Some people have the misconception all homeless people are substance abuse addicts, and they choose this lifestyle. What people don't talk about is the Wall Street broker who lost his job after 9/11 and couldn't afford to pay his rent, had no one to turn to, therefore became homeless, and is trying to get by living in a shelter trying to participate in life. This person never imagined going to a soup kitchen for Thanksgiving Dinner and now he does.

Bottom line... Be grateful and don't take you life for granted. Give Back!!!

2 Corinthians 9:7

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Stay Pretty & Blessed,
Tee Tee

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